Illy Collection 外星人咖啡杯

Illy Collection 外星人咖啡杯


The Alien espresso cups set by David Byrne was released in the year 2000. It quickly sold out and has been one of the most sought after illy espresso cup collections.David's alien espresso cups were sold as boxed sets. In addition, a special limited edition of "spaceship" packaging was produced in 2001 and quickly sold out.  

Illy 和 David Byrne合作推出外星人系列濃縮咖啡杯。組合內共有四個外星杯和一艘太空船造型的糖罐。千禧年由 David Byrne 所設計的外星人咖啡杯,一上市很快就被搶購一空,並成為全世界 illy 咖啡杯系列中最受歡迎的典藏。隨著盒裝組合的熱賣,於2001年再度推出「太空飛船」特別限量版,亦很快被搶購一空。

each cup has two handles representing the ears of the aliens. Byrne has illustrated the cups with very amusing and colorful faces of outer space visitors. "Today, we are all Aliens", says the artist. "Seeing these small Aliens on the cups, we can recognize parts of ourselves. You only have to look around to see that they are everywhere... on our T-shirts, in night clubs, on skateboards, in movies, on TV, in advertising... We are close to Aliens and they look rather friendly... If you ever wondered what's inside an Alien's head, I can tell you — it's coffee!"

每杯子用兩個手柄代替了外星人的耳朵,Byrne 用有趣且豐富多彩的面孔向我們介紹從外星來的朋友。 藝術家這麼說:「現今,我們全都是外星人」。看到這些小外星人在咖啡杯上,可以感覺我們也是其中的一份子,你只需要看看四周,看看他們無所不在......在我們的T卹、酒吧、滑板,電影、電視、甚至廣告...其實我們很親近外星來的朋友,而且他們看起來也相當友好...如果你想知道外星人的腦子裡都裝了什麼? 我可以告訴你 – 就是咖啡!」

About David Byrne               

就讀於美國最頂尖的設計學院Rhode Island School of Design 的David Byrne,早在大學時期就有許多卓越的設計作品和展出。( ART BIO歷年紀錄 )

Bike racks
The Villager
Powder-coated steel, 2008 
LaGuardia Place in front of AIA, NYC

A site-specific inflatable audio installation, presented by The Pace Gallery. People are drawn by the sound — low frequency pulses, tremors and rumbles — which can be heard from blocks away, to the 40 foot inflatable globe.
但最受人稱道的還是他音樂人及搖滾客身分。如果我們需要一名人物來定義「才子」這個概念,David Byrne 或許是不二人選。他的樂隊Talking Heads擁有CBGB的嫡系血統,是八零年代最重要的後龐克 / 新浪潮樂隊之一,已於2002年被引薦入搖滾名人堂。多才多藝的他也是舞台設計師 / 編舞師 / 攝影師 / 小說家 / 劇作家。

或許在亞洲地區,David Byrne 的名號不若 Lou Reed 與 Thurston Moore 來得響亮。然而在紐約本地,他的歷史位階早已拍板定案,是廣受樂壇敬重的人物。八零年代初期,David Byrne 與環境音樂大師 Brian Eno 合作的 My Life in the Bush of Ghosts,即被公認為折衷音樂的劃時代經典。他主理的電影配樂也總能抓住稍縱即逝的光影韻味。此外,David Byrne 與坂本龍一合作的《末代皇帝》原聲帶,更是跨界合作的永恆範本。
※ 摘錄自

David Byrne Official Web Site
illy Official Web Site
1st Coffee 
Rock about  David Byrne
Davide Byrne wikipedia 



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